Short descriptor of good practice
New Media 4 Lifelong Learning was a project where subject of discovering was how to:
1) to make greater use of new media in the lifelong learning process working with adults;
2) to develop adult education using new means;
3) to raise the competencies of educators and learners;
4) to stimulate inter-generational dialogue.
In this way project created preconditions for development and adaptation of modern solutions in lifelong learning, using new media as a tool for social change. After the blended mobility, all Partners locally implemented their own society brochure about tools for using New Media by adults and seniors.

Type of setting where good practice is delivered
NGO, private, adult education

Time Frame for delivery of good practice
3 months of weekly sessions for 2 hours.

Type of learner the best practice is supporting
Adult learners, seniors, educators.

Resources used as part of good practice
Project on Erasmus page:
Manual for Inter-generational Dialogue between seniors and their families
Brochure ­- Instructions and testimonials

Aims and objectives of good practice
Main aim of the project was to equip educators with knowledge, skills and attitudes needed for working with seniors and adult learners through using new media in lifelong learning process in order to react on modern challenges and encourage social change.
Main objectives were:
– to create space for sharing knowledge and exchanging experience, know-how and good practices in the field of adult education;
– to enhance educators’ understanding from different countries and working styles about using new media for lifelong learning of seniors and adults;
– to strengthen seniors’ role in civil society by creating social dialogue and promoting participation, inclusion, membership and belonging, civic and social competence;
– to learn new approaches and to find innovative way of interaction between educators, seniors, seniors’ families and to create easy to use Manual for Inter-generational Dialogue on this base;
– to create sustainable international consortium devoted to the planned results and to disseminate learning achievements within different stakeholders on local, national and international level.

Evidence as to why this was considered good practice
Project was addressing different topics – social media, inter-generational dialogue, tools of social media etc. Participants created a diverse activities and tools where different methods were used (group work, music therapy, dance therapy, group discussion, multimedia activities).
3 Key learning Principles that were used in this good practice to support senior learners
1. Digital competences
2. Data Literacy and Digital Citizenship
3. Digital Inclusion and Accessibility

Any additional learning that we can take from this good practice example
First result was report about research on usage of new media among seniors and impact of their families and research on usage of new media among senior educators and also about research on good practices on using new media among partner organizations. As part of the project, a Manual on the use of new media in lifelong learning and about inter-generational dialogue was created. The manual was created in English and has been translated into Polish, Greek, Bulgarian and Slovenian. Also Brochure about tools for adults and seniors for using new media was created and also in 5 languages. They have completed good practices from all countries about workshops with seniors using new media, ideas about inter-generational dialogue and as a result of one training for adults and seniors educators we have prepared 8 scenarios of workshops with using new media.

Any Additional Information

Country studied: Slovenia