AGE:WISE: Across Generations at Eye Level: Ways to Integrate Seniors by Education

Short descriptor of good practice
The major vision of the AGE:WISE project is learning with, from and about each other – and filling the ever-growing gap between Generation Z and seniors with the means of intergenerational learning (IGL).
Learning processes between different generations offer opportunities for the social inclusion of the elderly people, thereby closing the generation gap, offering valuable room for exchange between the generations and contributing to the senior’s well-being as to valuable exchange of knowledge, skills and competences.

Type of setting where good practice is delivered
Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships for adulteducation 
Private setting: BIT Schulungscenter GmbH (Austria) and Future Balloons Unipessoal LDA (Portugal)
NGO’s: Associazione culturale Eduvita E.T.S. (Italy), Fundacja Autokreacja (Poland), Volkshochschule im Landkreis Cham (Germany)

Time Frame for delivery of good practice
The project lasted from 1.10.2020. until 31.03.2023. During that period different interviews, workshops, feedback circles, development of scientific resources and pilot trainings were carried out.

Type of learner the best practice is supporting
·         Seniors
·         adult trainers
·         adult educational institutions

Both target groups, seniors as well as adult educators were actively involved throughout the whole project progress in the development of all project outcomes.

Resources used as part of good practice

Aims and objectives of good practice
The specific project objectives are:
·         closing the growing gap between seniors and the younger generation (generation Z) 
·         contribute to increasing inclusion of seniors by education by the means of Inter-generational Learning (IGL)
·         recognizing seniors personal, valuable competencies and knowledge and thus restoring their self-confidence after their professional life
·         motivate the elderly to take on the role of teachers and provide them with the needed self-reflection skills and trainer tools, so that they are able to pass on their knowledge/skills/competences to the younger generation

Evidence as to why this was considered good practice
Several results were produced during the project:
a) RESEARCH REPORT including a collection of good practice examples
b) an ONLINE PLATFORM with 3 FUNCTIONS including a SELF-REFLECTION TOOL for seniors competence evaluation, 5 SUCCESS STORY VIDEOS of IGL activities to motivate seniors to become active in teaching as well as the link to the LEARNING PACKAGE
c) a TRAINER PACKAGE including GUIDELINES for adult educational institutions on how to best implement IGL settings in their institution as well as a CURRICULUM for the training-skill-course and the draft for a 3 to 4-day blended learning setting for the training course.
d) four Multiplier events in the project countries were carried out, presenting the project AGE:WISE and its results as well as disseminating it and generating multipliers for the project with 137 participants in total.

3 Key learning Principles that were used in this good practice to support senior learners
1. Inter-generational learning
2. Experiential learning
3. Readiness to learn

Any additional learning that we can take from this good practice example

Any Additional Information

Country studied: Germany