Short descriptor of good practice
The programme Click on it Grandma programme helps senior citizens and retired people overcome the main obstacles of computer and Internet usage. The practice-oriented training courses are specially developed for and targeted at meeting the special needs of older people.
Older and younger people meet regularly. During the meetings older people acquire new IT skills and thanks to the length of the meetings they have a chance to put the newly acquired knowledge into practice. Elderly are addressed to start learning or volunteering. Participation in such activities stimulates personal development, builds self-esteem, allows for better communication and reduces social exclusion.

Type of setting where good practice is delivered
Budapest Cultural Center (BCC) – public educational methodology centre

Time Frame for delivery of good practice
Each Click On It Grandma course consists of 25 hours over a period of 6 weeks and it is conducted by qualified instructors.

Type of learner the best practice is supporting
Older people 55+ (Seniors)

Resources used as part of good practice
Aims and objectives of good practice
–      helps senior citizens and retired people overcome the main obstacles for computer and Internet usage
–      practical courses for senior citizens
–      educate seniors in digital literacy
–      Promote digital inclusivity, enhancing skills and creating opportunities for the communities
Program is running from 2002.
In 2007 objectives were:
–      Implement program in 12 cities, with 10 courses on every location, with approximately 10 people/course.
–      Run a 25-hour course in 6 weeks/per group with qualified instructors, and prepared by the BCC.
–      Develop professionally prepared and printed 50-page textbook with examples, exercises and additional information for participants.

Evidence as to why this was considered good practice
Click On It Grandma has been presented as a best practice in the first ever e-Inclusion report from Hungary, made by BME-UNESCO Center for Research on Information Society and Trends (ITTK: and the Forum of the Hungarian IT Organizations for Information Society (INFORUM:
Presented to the Ministry of Equal Opportunities, the report describes Click On It Grandma has the only one of its kind in Hungary and makes specific recommendations regarding ICT and the elderly in preparation for the e-Inclusion Initiative 2008.
3 Key learning Principles that were used in this good practice to support senior learners
1. Multi-modality
2. Visual presentations
3. Learning by doing

Any additional learning that we can take from this good practice example
UPC Hungary’s Click On It Grandma! program is part of Liberty Global inclusion community investment program (IN) which promotes digital inclusivity by widening access, enhancing skills and creating opportunities for the communities.

Any Additional Information

Country studied: Hungary