Short descriptor of good practice
The digital senior service center DigitaleSeniorInnen offers numerous free digital materials for trainers, and for seniors (for example: Fraud on the Internet, Secure payments on the Internet, Personal rights on the Internet, Use the Internet safely, Love Scamming – love fraud on the Internet etc.). The digital service also offers free workshops ”Digital Skills for All”, and 2 online courses: DigiFit60+ (for free) and “Senior Trainer for Everyday Digital Skills”, supporting senior trainers and educational institutions  on their way to making digitalization tangible for everyone.

Type of setting where good practice is delivered
The service is operated by the non profit organization Austrian Institute for Applied Telecommunications, and supported by the Federal Chancellery, so the participants learn for free via computer.

Time Frame for delivery of good practice
Digital Companion course is for free, and consists of 16 online learning units, self-study phases in between and practical project at the end of the course. The Senior Trainer course includes 90 teaching units, self-study phases in between and final practical project. That course costs €249 (price sponsored by the Ministry of Social Affairs).

Type of learner the best practice is supporting
Service is supporting IT trainers and adult educators for the target group 60+. Besides, through free workshops, it helps all seniors finding their way in the digital world.

Resources used as part of good practice

Aims and objectives of good practice
The specific project objectives are:
·         enable social participation and promote inclusion in society
·         create awareness of importance of digital senior education
·         contribute to the further development of adult education in Austria
·         increase independence in old age through digital education

Evidence as to why this was considered good practice
“Digital Senior Education” seal of approval, which is free and is supported by the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection. It is valid for two years and can be extended.

3 Key learning Principles that were used in this good practice to support senior learners
1. Participation
2. Gradualness
3. Readiness to learn

Any additional learning that we can take from this good practice example

Any Additional Information

Country studied: Austria