Short descriptor of good practice
The main idea of ​​the practice is the expansion of social services in the community to the elderly with the aim of supporting deinstitutionalization and active inclusion of the elderly in society through services and innovative models of inclusion. The activities provided through practice are legal and psychological assistance and support for the elderly, public advocacy activities, round tables, promotion and printing of educational material, an innovative approach to the social inclusion of the elderly using modern technologies, mobile “Halo” help in home, involving young people through a volunteer program.

Type of setting where good practice is delivered
The practice is carried out in four Croatian regions, mostly in rural areas where a large number of elderly people are stationed, who are encouraged to integrate into the community. Cooperation is also aimed at various associations of pensioners, institutions, homes for pensioners and other organizations dealing with the protection and rights of the elderly. The practice is carried out by professionals (lawyers, psychologists, social workers, social pedagogues and other related professions) employed in the NGO Victim and witness support service.

Time Frame for delivery of good practice
The practice has been carried out continuously for three years without any signs of change. Workshops for the elderly are organized on a weekly basis (at least twice a week in each of the regions, and through practice a minimum of two lectures on legal issues are held per year in each region. In addition to recreational activities on a daily basis, free legal advice is provided, help with writing various letters, elderly people are accompanied to various institutions, they are provided with emotional support and free psychological help.

Type of learner the best practice is supporting
The practice is primarily intended for older people, and then also for everyone who works directly with them. The experts who carry out this practice are employees of the Association and volunteers who have previously been trained to work with the elderly. The association’s employees continuously attend various trainings related to working with the elderly.

Resources used as part of good practice
As part of the implementation of the practice, various promotional materials such as brochures, bags, leaflets, writing pads and posters are printed and distributed to the elderly. Such materials are also sent to representatives of the local community, region, cities and municipalities in order to promote social services and the practice itself.
Brochure (in Croatian) – https://pzs.hr/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Edukativno-informativni-materijal_.pdf

Aims and objectives of good practice
The general goal of the practice is the expansion of social services in the community for the elderly with the aim of supporting de-institutionalization and active inclusion of the elderly in society through services, innovative models of inclusion with the aim of active participation in the community, education and workshops.
The special goals of the practice are the availability of legal and psychological services in rural areas and smaller towns. Improving the quality of life of the elderly through more active involvement in the community – RE(integration) with the innovative communication model “Mobile service in the home” to increase the level of security of a longer stay in one’s own home.

Evidence as to why this was considered good practice
A very large number of satisfied users have been recorded, and over the years, more and more of them use the aforementioned services. As they themselves point out, it is also very important for them to receive education regarding the realization of certain rights of the elderly, as well as the legal advice they can receive from experts involved in the implementation of this practice. In addition, the availability of individual legal and psychological services in rural areas and smaller towns is of great importance to them. This good practice encourages the sensitization and awareness of citizens and representatives of public law bodies and civil society organizations for legal support for users, the legal system, practices and possibilities for achieving the said support; a new number of users appears, information about social rights and services increases through cooperative and partnership relations.
3 Key learning Principles that were used in this good practice to support senior learners
1. Legal and psychological support
2. Inter-generational engagement
3. Holistic well-being

Any additional learning that we can take from this good practice example
The impact and long-term effects of this good practice are ensuring the regional uniformity of the implementation of activities and projects aimed at reducing poverty and social exclusion in the Republic of Croatia, as well as increased availability of services in less developed areas. In addition, this good practice has the effect of reducing the number of legal problems of the elderly and reduces the pressure on employees of local self-government units who perform some tasks in the field of social welfare.

Any Additional Information
In the last three years, over 400 elderly people have been involved in the various activities of this practice by ensuring the continuous provision of legal assistance through offices in four regions, they have been provided with over 1,000 different services in an indirect or direct way. Over 100 users received psychological services, and over 20 different educations and workshops were organized. The “Halo help at home” system was implemented and through the purchase of 18 mobile smartphones, 24-hour monitoring for senior citizens was ensured. A handbook was created for the elderly in digital and paper form so that they could receive various information of a legal nature or practical advice from nutritionists, motivators, etc.


Country studied: Croatia